Ultimate Schedule

Winter 2022 Turf Ultimate 6's - Wednesday - Recreation

Wednesday, April 6

DH Game
Does not count for ultimate
Double Headers
Loser of 8 PM Game
Field 4
Field 3
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM

Wednesday, April 13

DH Game
Does not count for Black Plague
Double Headers
The Black Plague
Loser of 8 PM Game
Field 4
Field 3
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM

Wednesday, April 20

Playoff Semi Final Schedule
Semi-Final Matchups: 1st vs 4th (A), 2nd vs 3rd (B), 5th vs 6th (C), Loser (C) vs 7th (D). All teams participate in playoff games. Game times will be posted 48 hours after the last regular season game.
Field 4
Field 3
7:00 PM
1st vs 4th (A)
  Gang Green [15]
  Ultimate [5]
5th vs 6th (C)
8:00 PM
Loser (C) vs 7th (D)

Wednesday, April 27

Playoff Final Schedule
Final Matchups: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship, Winner (C) vs Loser (B) - 3rd Place, Loser (A) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place (E), Loser (D) vs Loser (E)- 7th Place. Game times will be posted 48 hours after the semi-final games.
Field 4
Field 3
7:00 PM
Winner A vs Winner B - Championship
8:00 PM
Loser (A) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place
9:00 PM
Loser (D) vs Loser (E)- 7th Place
Winner (C) vs Loser (B) - 3rd Place