Volleyball Schedule

Winter 2022 Court Volleyball 6's - Thursday

Thursday, February 3

INT LEAGUE: No games this week. Your league starts next week!
Court 1
Court 1
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM

Thursday, February 10

REC LEAGUE:No games this week. Your league continues next week!
Double Headers
Spiked Punch
Court 1
Court 1
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM
10:00 PM

Thursday, February 17

INT LEAGUE: No games this week. Your league continues next week!
Court 1
Court 1
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM

Thursday, April 21

Intermediate Playoff Semi Final Schedule
Semi-Final Matchups: 1st vs 4th (A), 2nd vs 3rd (B), 5th vs 8th (C), 6th vs 7th (D), Loser C vs 9th (E). All teams participate in playoff games. Game times will be posted 48 hours after the last regular season game.
Recreation Playoff Semi Final Schedule
Semi-Final Matchups: 1st vs 4th (A), 2nd vs 3rd (B), 5th vs 8th (C), 6th vs 7th (D). All teams participate in playoff games. Game times will be posted 48 hours after the last regular season game.
Bumpin Uglies forfeited to Individual All Stars.
Court 1
Court 1
Court 2
6:00 PM
INT 2nd vs 3rd (B)
6:30 PM
REC 2nd vs 3rd (B)
7:00 PM
REC 1st vs 4th (A)
REC 5th vs 8th (C)
7:30 PM
REC 6th vs 7th (D)
8:00 PM
INT 5th vs 8th (C)
9:00 PM
  Set Workers [0]
  Dig This [3]
INT 6th vs 7th (D)
INT Loser C vs 9th (E)

Thursday, April 28

Int Playoff Final Schedule
Final Matchups: Final Matchups: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship, Loser A vs Loser B- 3rd Place, Winner (C) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place, Winner (E) vs Loser (D) - 7th Place, Loser (C) vs Loser (E) - 9th Place.
Recreation Playoff Final Schedule
Final Matchups: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship, Loser A vs Loser B- 3rd Place, Winner (C) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place, Loser (C) vs Loser (D) - 7th Place. Game times will be posted 48 hours after the semi-final games.
Court 1
Court 1
Court 2
6:00 PM
  Spiked Punch [3]
  Dig This [0]
INT: Winner (C) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place,
INT: Winner (E) vs Loser (D) - 7th Place (F)
6:30 PM
REC: Loser A vs Loser B - 3rd Place
7:00 PM
INT: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship
INT: Loser (E) vs Loser (F) - 9th Place.
7:30 PM
  Top Gunz [3]
REC: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship
8:00 PM
INT: Loser A vs Loser B- 3rd Place
REC: Loser (C) vs Loser (D) - 7th Place
8:30 PM
REC: Winner (C) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place