Softball Schedule

Summer 2022 Softball - Recreation Tier 3 - Wednesdays

Wednesday, May 18

Double Headers
Phat Pitches
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Diamond A
  Bat Intentions [15]
  Code Brew [16]
Diamond 1

Wednesday, May 25

Double Headers
Code Brew
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1
Diamond 1

Wednesday, June 1

Cancelled Games - Reschedule to June 26

Wednesday, June 8

Chrissie's Crushers forfeited to Balls and Dolls.
Double Headers
No Glove, No Love
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1

Wednesday, June 15

Chrissie's Crushers forfeited to Phat Pitches .
Double Headers
Individual Team A
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1

Wednesday, June 22

Chrissie's Crushers forfeited to Bat Intentions.
Chrissie's Crushers forfeited to Code Brew.
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1

Sunday, June 26

Chrissie's Crushers forfeited to Code Brew.
Double Headers
Balls and Dolls
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  12:00 PM 1:30 PM 4:30 PM
Diamond 1

Wednesday, June 29

Double Headers
Individual Team A
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1
Diamond 1

Wednesday, July 6

Double Headers
Code Brew
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
  Phat Pitches [24]
  Code Brew [11]
  Bat Intentions [36]
  Code Brew [14]
Diamond 1
Diamond 1

Wednesday, July 13

Double Headers
Bat Intentions
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1
Diamond 1

Wednesday, July 20

Code Brew forfeited to Balls and Dolls.
Double Headers
Chrissie's Crushers
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1

Wednesday, July 27

Individual Team A forfeited to Balls and Dolls.
Double Headers
No Glove, No Love
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1

Wednesday, August 3

Double Headers
Phat Pitches
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1
Diamond 1

Wednesday, August 10

Double Headers
Bat Intentions
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Diamond 1
Diamond 1

Wednesday, August 17

Double Headers
Balls and Dolls
Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  6:30 PM 7:30 PM 9:00 PM
Diamond 1
  Phat Pitches [28]
  Code Brew [18]
Diamond 1
Diamond 1

Wednesday, August 24

Playoff Semi Final Schedule
Semi-Final Matchups: 1st vs 4th (A), 2nd vs 3rd (B), 5th vs 6th (C), Loser (C) vs 7th (D). All teams participate in playoff games.
  6:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
  Individual Team A [15]
  Code Brew [20]
5th vs 6th (C)
  Loser of 6:30 PM Game [19]
  Chrissie's Crushers [14]
Loser (C) vs 7th (D)
Diamond 1
  Phat Pitches [27]
  Balls and Dolls [20]
2nd vs 3rd (B)
Diamond 1
  No Glove, No Love [14]
  Bat Intentions [16]
1st vs 4th (A)

Wednesday, August 31

Playoff Final Schedule
Final Matchups: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship, Winner (C) vs Loser (B) - 3rd Place, Loser (A) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place (E), Loser (D) vs Loser (E)- 7th Place.
No Glove, No Love forfeited to Individual Team A.
  6:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Diamond B
Loser (A) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place (E)
  Loser of 6:30 PM Game
  Chrissie's Crushers
Loser (D) vs Loser (E)- 7th Place
Diamond 1
  Balls and Dolls [20]
  Code Brew [19]
Winner (C) vs Loser (B) - 3rd Place
Diamond 1
Winner A vs Winner B - Championship

Wednesday, September 7

  6:00 PM
Diamond 1
  Phat Pitches
  Bat Intentions
Winner A vs Winner B - Championship