Volleyball Standings

Summer 2023 Beach Volleyball 6's - Thursday

Recreation Tier 1 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
Set W/L
1   Full Sanders 16 2 (1)º 0 31 47 43 4
2   Ball Busters 11 (1)º 7 (2)º 0 20 28 11 17
3   Poppin Volleys 9 9 (1)º 0 17 26 1 25
4   Sets on the beach 8 (1)º 9 0 16 20 -8 28
5   One Hit Wonders 7 (2)º 10 0 14 18 -9 27
6   Spiked Punch 7 (1)º 10 (1)º 0 13 16 -13 29
7   Dirty sets, average dinks 4 (1)º 14 0 8 13 -25 38
8   Loser of 6:00 pm game 0 1 (1)º 0 -1 0 0 0

Recreation Tier 2 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
Set W/L
1   two bump chumps 13 (2)º 2 (1)º 1 26 30 25 5
2   My Drinking Team Has A Volleyball Problem 11 (2)º 5 0 22 25 8 17
3   Hot'n'Sticky 10 5 1 21 26 8 18
4   Beta Blockers 9 (1)º 5 2 20 22 5 17
5   Setsy Beaches 8 (1)º 8 0 16 26 7 19
6   Serve Ivors 8 8 0 16 25 3 22
7   TBD 8 7 (1)º 1 16 22 2 20
8   Balls Deep 4 (1)º 11 (2)º 0 6 13 -10 23
9   I'd Hit That 4 13 (2)º 0 6 12 -21 33
10   Pop-up Blockers 0 11 (1)º 3 2 1 -27 28

Intermediate Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
Set W/L
1   Set Workers 15 0 0 30 34 23 11
2   Shank You Very Much 11 5 (1)º 0 21 29 13 16
3   Best Sets I Ever Had 9 7 0 18 25 3 22
4   SMACK DAT 9 6 0 18 26 8 18
5   Silly Gooseses 8 6 0 16 22 3 19
6   Just the Tip 8 8 0 16 23 -1 24
7   Frontenac County All-Stars 6 10 0 12 21 -5 26
8   Bumpin Uglies 5 (1)º 11 0 10 19 -6 25
9   BIg Tippers 4 11 1 9 14 -16 30
10   I Brought my Dad 2 13 1 5 11 -22 33
11   Winner of 6:00pm Game 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
How are Standings Calculated?
1 match consists of best of 3 sets. All 3 sets should be played.

Match Point Scoring:
Win = 2 points
Loss = 0 points
Tie = 1 point
Forfeited game = -1 point

Playoff Tie Breaker:
1. Head-to-head competition
2. Most set wins (points scored)
3. Overall set wins/loses (point differential)
4. Least set loses (points against)
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.