Volleyball Schedule

Fall 2023 Beach Volleyball 6's - Sunday

Sunday, September 10

Air Traffic Control forfeited to Good Golly Miss Volley.
Double Headers
Quicksand, Serve-Ivors
Loser of 2:00 pm Game
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
2:00 PM
3:00 PM

Sunday, September 24

Good Golly Miss Volley forfeited to Serve-Ivors.
Double Headers
The Stopables
Loser of 2:00 pm Game
Court 2
Court 3
2:00 PM
3:00 PM

Sunday, October 1

2nd Game does not count in standings for Air Traffic Control (vs Sets on The Beach)
This allows all teams to play 5 regular season games.
Double Headers
Air Traffic Control, Good Golly Miss Volley, Sets on the beach
Loser of 2:00 pm Game
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
2:00 PM
3:00 PM

Sunday, October 15

Playoff Semi Final Schedule
Header: Semi-Final Matchups: 1st vs 4th (A), 2nd vs 3rd (B), 5th vs 6th (C), Loser (C) vs 7th (D). All teams participate in playoff games.
Loser of 2:00 pm Game forfeited to Sets on the beach.
Air Traffic Control forfeited to The Stopables .
Court 2
Court 3
2:00 PM
1st vs 4th (A)
5th vs 6th (C)
3:00 PM
2nd vs 3rd (B)
Loser (C) vs 7th (D)

Sunday, October 22

Playoff Final Schedule
Header: Final Matchups: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship, Winner (C) vs Loser (B) - 3rd Place, Loser (A) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place (E), Loser (D) vs Loser (E)- 7th Place
Court 2
Court 3
2:00 PM
Winner A vs Winner B - Championship
Loser (A) vs Winner (D) - 5th Place (E)
3:00 PM
Winner (C) vs Loser (B) - 3rd Place
Loser (D) vs Loser (E)- 7th Place